Get vowel with line over it in word for mac

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also called the CARET key, ( ^) key, nothing is displayed on the screen until you press a second key: When you press the APOSTROPHE ( ‘ ) key, QUOTATION MARK ( “ ) key, ACCENT GRAVE ( ` ) key, TILDE ( ~ ) key, or ACCENT CIRCUMFLEX. letters will remain the same, but punctuation like, ” will combine to do the accent as the bottom toolbar on the right, click on the keyboard icon and choose US International.

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Setting up the International Keyboard – uses punctuation as a code for the accents For other accent needs use the alt number method or insert characters.Ģ. To put a cedilla underneath the letter “c”, use CTRL+comma before typing “c” or “C” to get “ç” or “Ç”. The “6” key becomes a circumflex accent when shifted, so CTRL+SHIFT+6 plus either “a”, “e”, “i”, “o”, or “u” generates “â”, “ê”, “î”, “ô”, and “û”, respectively. CTRL+grave accent (the key to the left of the number “1” on the top row of keys) puts a grave accent over the next vowel typed.